Aart Brons.com

Queensland Australia

  Northern Belle Cairns First Legal Brothel

E-Mails as forwarded to all stakeholders

Nov 2018

“Amending the Queensland Prostitution Act”



I Aart Brons have been the founder and still am the owner and licensee of 

Northern Belle Pty Ltd  https://www.northernbelle.com.au  


From 2006 till 2018 I have been proven to be of good character 

according to the Queensland Prostitution Licencing Authority. 


The reason for this submission is that I feel that 

we brothel owners cannot get heard.   


Examples below.     

Refer to:https://cmc.aartbrons.com/pdfs/Brothel%20%20Northern%20Belle%20%20Cairns%20Queensland%20outstanding%20Co-respondence%20from%20C.E.O%20Aart%20Brons.pdf    

Part “A” of my submission to the then CMC, refer to:    


Would put a stop to refer to:    


Please Read further as in E-Mails below.     

 Outstanding Co-respondence:  



From:   Aart Brons 
Sent: Thursday, 29 November 2018 4:17 PM
To: 'senator.hanson@aph.gov.au' <
  senator.hanson@aph.gov.au  >
Subject: FW: Brothel “ Northern Belle ” Cairns.

Requests to have the Queensland Prostitution Act amended 

Att: (1)  The Hon Pauline Handson “Leader One Nation” 

        (2)  Queensland Leader and Senate Candidate The Hon Steve Dickson. 


Dear Ms Handson/Mr Dickson 

My name is Aart Brons and am the owner and licensee of www.northernbelle.com.au 

I am putting this to you hoping it may be well received. 

I have put my submission as in emails to all parties including the LNP. 

Please refer to: 


Mr Dickson read out a Bill in Parliament some time ago. 

(This was when he was still with the LNP.) 

He seamed to have intense Knowledge on the subject concerned 

therefor want him to be included in the conversation. 

Your concern on Asian Working Visas is well known, so therefor 

Illegal prostitution should also be of grave concern to you. 

There is a easy fix solution and that is all advertising 

to be done with a “LAND LINE PHONE NUMBER ONLY”. Ref to: 



Dear Pauline I hope this information serves you well as it is well intended 

and that it may help to glean the Queensland Prostitution Act correct. 

 Please also refer to emails below. 


Yours sincerely 

Aart Brons 

Brothel Owner &Licensee 



From:   Aart Brons 
Sent: Tuesday, 27 November 2018 12:14 PM
To: 'Law Reform Commission' <
  LawReform.Commission@justice.qld.gov.au  >
Subject: RE: Brothel “ Northern Belle ” Cairns.

Requests to have the Queensland Prostitution Act amended 

Dear Mr David Groth, 

Thank you for your prompt reply. 

 It is comforting and I am at peace with your acknowledgement of my E-Mails. 


Your sincerely 

Aart Brons. 


From:   Law Reform Commission <  LawReform.Commission@justice.qld.gov.au 
Sent: Tuesday, 27 November 2018 11:53 AM
To: 'aart.brons@outlook.com' <
  aart.brons@outlook.com  >
Subject: Brothel “ Northern Belle ” Cairns.

Requests to have the Queensland Prostitution Act amended   

Dear Mr Brons, 

I acknowledge receipt of your further emails of 14 and 27 November 2018,

regarding the Prostitution Act 1999. 

I reiterate my previous response to you detailed in my email of 29 October 2018,

that the role of the Queensland Law Reform Commission (the Commission)

is limited to reviewing particular areas of Queensland law referred to it by the

Attorney-General at any given time and that the Commission

does not offer legal advice nor intervene in legal matters.  


Yours sincerely,   

David Groth 


Queensland Law Reform Commission 

PO Box 13312, George Street Post Shop, Brisbane, QLD, 4003   

E    david.groth@justice.qld.gov.au     [  LawReform.Commission@justice.qld.gov.au  ]   

P  : (07) 324 75690 (Extension 75690)   [+61 7 324 75690]   

F  : (07) 324 79045   

W  :     www.qlrc.qld.gov.au 




From:   Aart Brons [  mailto:aart.brons@outlook.com 
Sent: Tuesday, 27 November 2018 1:49 AM
To: Law Reform Commission <
  LawReform.Commission@justice.qld.gov.au  >
Subject: FW: FW: Brothel " Northern Belle " Cairns.

Requests to have the Queensland Prostitution Act amended   

Att: The Hon Director Mr David Groth. 

Dear Mr Groth, 

Please forgive me for taking up more of your time but I find it most important 

for you to take note, as in E-Mails below and for you to keep on file 

along with my previous submissions. 

We at Northern Belle Pty Ltd take offence by Respect.Inc Elena Jeffreys 

being able to lobby up on behalf of Respect.Inc and speak so damaging 

towards our law enforcement agencies. Refer to: 


Elena Jeffreys quotes in her article and states that she has Police Officers as her clientele 

We are wandering who else she knows, and has on her books.???   

It would be unfair for her to be able to spin her stuff on the platform of Respect.Inc 

and not take on board the side of the Legal sex Industry as in. Refer to: 


and also https://cmc.aartbrons.com/Re-Cairns-Brothel-Pass-The-Aart-Brons-Parcel-Mark2-November-2018.html 

Dear David this is a urgent plea to keep the Queensland Sex Industry 

“Highly Regulated and not Decriminalized”.   


Thanking you kindly for your attention. 

Kind regards. 

Aart Brons. 

Brothel Owner & Licensee 



From:   Aart Brons 
Sent: Monday, 26 November 2018 8:05 AM
To: 'toohey@parliament.qld.gov.au' <
  toohey@parliament.qld.gov.au  >
Subject: FW: FW: Brothel " Northern Belle " Cairns.

Requests to have the Queensland Prostitution Act amended   

Att: The Hon Member for Toohey, MP, Peter Russo. 

Dear Mr Russo, 

My name is Aart Brons and am the owner and licensee of www.northernbelle.com.au 

I am putting this information to you because you are in the same 

photo Graaf as Respect.Inc. Elena Jeffreys “looking cosy”. Refer to: 


I am putting our side of the story to you so that you are informed. 

Refer to E-Mails below   

And most importantly refer to:   


The cosy look in that photo in my opinion,   “Is not a good look” 


I hope this information is well received as it is well intended. 

Kind regards 

Aart Brons 

Brothel Owner & Licensee 



From:   Aart Brons 
Sent: Sunday, 25 November 2018 5:25 PM
To: 'police@ministerial.qld.gov.au' <
  police@ministerial.qld.gov.au  >
Subject: FW: FW: Brothel " Northern Belle " Cairns.

Requests to have the Queensland Prostitution Act amended   

Att: The Hon Minister for Police Mark Ryan. 

Dear Mr Ryan, 

This information is to coincide with previous E-Mails. 

Thank you once more for your time and patience. 

Kind regards 

Aart Brons 

Brothel Owner & Licensee 



Sent: Sunday, 25 November 2018 8:43 AM
To: 'cairns@parliament.qld.gov.au' <
  cairns@parliament.qld.gov.au  >
Subject: FW: FW: Brothel " Northern Belle " Cairns.

Requests to have the Queensland Prostitution Act amended   

Att: The Hon Member for Cairns Michael Healy. 


Dear Michael, hereby 

This to follow up from my last E-Mail sent to your office yesterday 24 November 2018. 

I find it important for you to know how we at Northern belle Pty Ltd 

feel on how Dis-respectful “Respect.Inc” is towards the 


What is the State Coordinator, Elena Jeffreys trying to prove in a Sydney Newspaper. 

What has the N.S.W Law have to do with the Queensland law?????? 

Why lobby her shit up interstate.????   


Dear Michael I hope this information is well received as it is well intended. 

Kind regards 

Aart Brons. 

Brothel Owner & Licensee 



From:   Aart Brons 
Sent: Sunday, 25 November 2018 8:01 AM
To: 'Marshall.Irwin@ccc.qld.gov.au' <
  Marshall.Irwin@ccc.qld.gov.au  >
Subject: FW: FW: Brothel " Northern Belle " Cairns.

Requests to have the Queensland Prostitution Act amended   


Dear Mr Marshall, 

As having been the Chair of the P.L.A. Will you now also bring this important issue 

to the forefront with the 

C.C.C Chair Mr Alan MacSporran, QC 

And together put it to the attention of The Minister for Police the Hon Mark Ryan. 

Please refer to: https://cmc.aartbrons.com/Re-Cairns-Brothel-Pass-The-Aart-Brons-Parcel-Mark2-November-2018.html 


Kind regards 

Aart Brons 

Brothel Owner & Licensee 



From:   Aart Brons 
Sent: Sunday, 25 November 2018 6:14 AM
To: plaadmin <
  plaadmin@iprimus.com.au  >
Subject: FW: FW: Brothel " Northern Belle " Cairns.

Requests to have the Queensland Prostitution Act amended   


To whom this may concern at the committee of the P.L.A.   

 Att: “1” To the Hon chair of the P,L,A. Mr Walter H Tutt. 

        “2” Chief Executive Director the Hon Margaret Izaac   

For your information and in accordance with the Prostitution regulations,  

and that is “to keep you informed” 

Kind regards 

Aart Brons. 

Brothel Owner & Licensee 



From:   Aart Brons 
Sent: Saturday, 24 November 2018 9:47 PM
To: 'info@respectqld.org.au' <
  info@respectqld.org.au  >
Subject: FW: FW: Brothel " Northern Belle " Cairns.

Requests to have the Queensland Prostitution Act amended   

Att:  State Coordinator, Elena Jeffreys. 

I am totally and absolutely defiant to your say in The Sydney Morning Herald. 

I have therefor put my plight to The Hon Member for Cairns as he asked for more 

Information before making up his mind on this “His words very complex issue”. 

He was mentioned in the same article. Refer to: 



I find you rubbishing all authorities to do with policing the Act,   

offensive and damn right wrong.   

I believe you are more damaging to the legal   

sex industry in Queensland then anybody I know.   

I guess we will have to wait to find out who will win this battle 

when this matter comes before Parliament. 


No more kind regards   

Aart Brons 

Brothel Owner & Licensee 



From:   Aart Brons 
Sent: Saturday, 24 November 2018 8:18 PM
To: 'cairns@parliament.qld.gov.au' <
  cairns@parliament.qld.gov.au  >
Subject: FW: FW: Brothel " Northern Belle " Cairns.

Requests to have the Queensland Prostitution Act amended   


Att: The Hon Michael Healy. 


Dear Michael, 

My name is Aart Brons and am the owner and licensee of www.northernbelle.com.au 

I am writing to you because you are mentioned in this article, 

Please refer to: 


And now also you being the Member For Cairns. 

You asked in the article to have more information on the subject before 

making up your mind on this issue. I therefor ask you to refer to: 


And also: 



Dear Michael this is to keep you in the loop. 

If there is any more to discuss then I would be open to meet 

on or off   the record. 


Yours sincerely 

Aart Brothel. 

Brothel Owner & Licensee 



From:   Aart Brons [  mailto:aart.brons@outlook.com 
Sent: Wednesday, 14 November 2018 2:16 AM
To: Law Reform Commission <
  LawReform.Commission@justice.qld.gov.au  >
Subject: FW: Brothel “ Northern Belle ” Cairns.

Requests to have the Queensland Prostitution Act amended   

Att: The Hon Director Mr David Groth. 

Dear David: 

Again I hope this information is well received as it is well intended. 

My writings below   have grown somewhat since I E-Mailed you last on the 

30 October 2018 and find it of great importance that this information is with the 

Law Reform Commission and kept on file so that when, or if this issue 

comes to the commissions attention 

it should be taken into serious consideration 

This issue is so important to the legal sex industry in Queensland   

that I believe our survival depends on it. 

Part “A” of my submission to the then CMC, refer to:   


Would put a stop to refer to:   



Thanking you for your patience and time 

Yours sincerely 

Aart Brons 

Brothel Owner & Licensee 



From:   Aart Brons 
Sent: Monday, 12 November 2018 9:14 AM
To: 'p.callaghan@nigelbowen.com.au' <
  p.callaghan@nigelbowen.com.au  >
Subject: FW: Brothel “ Northern Belle ” Cairns.

Requests to have the Queensland Prostitution Act amended   

Att:  The Hon Peter Callaghan, 

Dear Peter, 

My name is Aart Brons and am the owner and licensee of www.northernbelle.com.au 

I am putting this information to you as I have included you in my writings to the 

Hon Queensland Premier Annastacia Palasczuk. Please refer to: 


The purpose of this E-Mail is to keep you in the loop as to where Northern Belle Pty Ltd 

is at, as in writings below, and hope to use your services in the future if or when this matter   ever lands up in the Court system. 

This information may also serve us both well as to bring to the forefront the importance of 

the now CCC to have the same powers as the then CMC had, and that is to bring it 

back to before the Dis-honourable Ex-Premier Newman so wrongly wanted to change it. 


I hope this message is well received as it is well intended. 

I also hope to hear from you in the near future. 

Kind regards. 

Aart Brons. 

Brothel Owner & Licensee 



Thank you for your email to the Honourable Annastacia Palaszczuk MP, 

Premier of Queensland and Minister for Trade.   

The Premier appreciates the time you have taken to contact her with your comments.   

The Premier’s email inbox is monitored during business hours from Monday to Friday. 

Please note that if you are sending an email outside of these hours   

it will be reviewed promptly on the next business day. 

If you are in danger or have concerns about your safety,   

please contact the police on 000 at any time.   


Yours sincerely   

Office of the Premier 

This is an automated response message. Please do not reply. 


From:   Aart Brons 
Sent: Sunday, 11 November 2018 10:53 PM
To: 'thepremier@premiers.qld.gov.au' <
  thepremier@premiers.qld.gov.au  >
Subject: FW: Brothel “ Northern Belle ” Cairns.

Requests to have the Queensland Prostitution Act amended   

Att; The Hon Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk. 

D  ear Annastacia, 

There has been no response from you nor your office since my last writing to you. 

Please refer to:   https://cmc.aartbrons.com/pdfs/Brothel%20%20Northern%20Belle%20%20Cairns%20Queensland%20outstanding%20Co-respondence%20from%20C.E.O%20Aart%20Brons.pdf 

  According to a latest ABC News article, the amendment of the 

Queensland Prostitution Act is now currently on the ALP Agenda.   

Please refer to:   https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-10-27/sex-worker-laws-in-queensland-under-review/10429522 

Also according to Article: https://www.change.org/p/queensland-parliament-do-not-make-us-relive-history-save-the-independence-of-the-cmc 

It should now  give you  the absolute authority to direct the now CCC 

to investigate part “B” of my submission to the then CMC. Refer to: 


To implement part “A” of that same submission it would only take for you to 

direct the PLA to Implement it,  as advertising already falls under their Jurisdiction.   

There would be no legislative measure needed yet it would send a wrecking ball   

through the illegal side of the industry. Refer to part “B” in:   


“Call for ban on mobile phones in sex ads”   

This would give a low cost, affective, pivotal tool to 

police the illegal side of the sex industry.   

This is a very important issue as we at Northern Belle   

are totally against Decriminalizing Prostitution in Queensland   

and need the industry to remain highly regulated.   

I am putting this plea to you as it is in our humble opinion 

a long outstanding STATE ISSUE. Please refer to: 


I hope to achieve with the information below to be taken serious 

and that it may help to amend the Queensland Prostitution Act correct. 


Your sincerely. 

Aart Brons. 

Brothel Owner & Licensee 



From:   Aart Brons 
Sent: Friday, 9 November 2018 10:20 AM
Subject: FW: Brothel “ Northern Belle ” Cairns. 

Requests to have the Queensland Prostitution Act amended   


Dear Amy, 

Thank you for your quick reply. 

I was not aware of you no longer being with the Brisbane Times. 

Therefor I am sorry for your involvement in my E-Mails below. 

I am however not sorry for blaming the Chief Editor of the Brisbane Times 

for BLACK BALLING me along with the “ABC News”, and “Vice”. 

Refer to articles in E-Mails below. 

You now being a “freelance reporter” I give permission for you to 

use the information below, and create your own Scoop. 

I would like to see an article published to let it be known that 

we at Northern Belle the only Legal Brothel left in regional Queensland 

are totally against decriminalisation and absolutely PRO- Regulation

In my opinion decriminalisation would surely bring it back to pre-fitzgerald days. 

The Queensland Prostitution Act is WORLD CLASS 

but in time as things evolve it sometimes needs amending 

to close the loopholes that have occurred over time. 

Amy I wish you well in the future and hope to hear from you soon. 

Kindest of regards and thanking you 

Aart Brons. 

Brothel Owner & Licensee 




Thanks for your email. I'm no longer a reporter at Brisbane Times. 

I am taking up freelance writing and editing opportunities so feel free to 

email me at   amy.mitchell.whittington@gmail.com for anything along those lines. 


If this is news related, please email scoop@brisbanetimes.com.au 

or call the newsroom on 07 3835 7500. 





*Amy Mitchell-Whittington | *Reporter - Brisbane Times 

Phone: 07 3835 7511 

brisbanetimes.com.au <http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au


From:   Aart Brons 
Sent: Thursday, 8 November 2018 10:45 PM
To: 'scoop@brisbanetimes.com.au' <
  scoop@brisbanetimes.com.au  >
Subject: FW: Brothel “ Northern Belle ” Cairns.

Requests to have the Queensland Prostitution Act amended   


Dear scoop, 

Amy suggested that I forward this on to you. 

So hereby. 



Kind regards. 

Aart Brons. 

Brothel Owner & Licensee 





From:   Aart Brons 
Sent: Thursday, 8 November 2018 10:29 PM
To: 'amym@fairfaxmedia.com.au' <
  amym@fairfaxmedia.com.au  >
Cc:  <
  bhatch@fairfaxmedia.com.au  >; <  grouplegal@fairfaxmedia.com.au  >
Subject: FW: Brothel “ Northern Belle ” Cairns.

Requests to have the Queensland Prostitution Act amended   


Att: 1 Amy Mitchell- Whittington. 

        2  Brad Hatch ( Media Relations & Corporate Affairs. ) 

        3  Chief Editor ( Fairfax Media ) 

Dear Amy, 

A lot has happened since my last correspondence to you please refer to: 



I am flabbergasted as to why you are not responding and 

again flabbergasted as to why I was not included in the last Brisbane Times Article 

Refer to: https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/politics/queensland/massage-parlours-offering-illegal-prostitution-hurting-queensland-s-brothels-20181002-p507b0.html 

I am leaving you with the information in emails as seen below to you, 

and to whoever it may concern at the Brisbane Times and or Fairfax Media. 

It looks as if I have been left out of the picture on purpose!!!!!   

All I am asking for is some balanced reporting.   


It is my democratic right to have my opinion heard.   

So if ever you do another article on Queensland Prostitution   

My side of the story if fair, needs to be inclusive.   


Yours sincerely. 

Kind Regards. 

Aart Brons. 

Brothel Owner & Licensee 



Att: Chief Editor at Vice. 


Dear Sir/Madam, 


My name is Aart Brons and am the owner and licensee of www.northernbelle.com.au 

I refer you to your article: 


And further more provide you with some very important information 

that might spur you on to do a follow up story. 

Please refer to information in writings below. 

You can contact me for further details and or questions. 

Kind regards 

Aart Brons 

Brothel Owner & Licensee 





Dear Mo, 

I am putting this information to you, and insist you forward this 

On to Respect’s Elena Jeffreys. 


Yours Faithfully 

Aart Brons. 

Brothel Owner & Licensee 



Sent:   Sunday, 28 October 2018 9:49 PM
To: 'yourpics@your.abc.net.au' <
  yourpics@your.abc.net.au  >
Subject: FW: Brothel “ Northern Belle ” Cairns.

Requests to have the Queensland Prostitution Act amended   

Att: Chief Editor of the ABC. 


Dear Sir/Madam,     

My name is Aart Brons and am the owner and licensee of www.northernbelle.com.au 

I refer to an article:   


and ask the question as to why your reporter Inga Stünzner  did not contact me 

being the only legal brothel owner in regional Queensland and include me into 

her article along with  “  Cairns resident Transanna    , 

I have put my concerns to the ABC before and refer you to: 


As a Government taxpayer funded broadcaster one would   

expect balanced  reporting.   

Why am I being BLACK BALLED????? 

I have put my latest writings to the Queensland Law Reform commission and 

refer you to E-Mails below. 

This is very important issue as we at Northern Belle are totally   

Against   Decriminalizing Prostitution in Queensland .   

And need the industry to remain highly regulated. 

I hope to see a balanced follow up story on this matter soon.   

Kind regards.   

Aart Brons. Brothel Owner & Licensee   



Good morning

Thank you for your email. As the issues you have raised are within 

the responsibilities of the       Hon Mark Ryan MP    

(Minister for Police and Minister for Corrective Services),    

we have passed on your email to the Minister’s office.  

The Minister’s office can be contacted at:   police@ministerial.qld.gov.au 

Kind regards 

   Office of the Hon Yvette D’Ath MP 

Attorney-General and Minister for Justice   

Leader of the House   


Phone: 07 3719 7400     | Email:   attorney@ministerial.qld.gov.au 

William Street, Brisbane QLD 4000  |   GPO Box 149 Brisbane Qld 4001   

Disclaimer: The information provided in this e-mail may be confidential and/or legally privileged.   

It is intended solely for the addressee. Access to this e-mail by anyone else is unauthorised.   

If you are not the intended recipient any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or   

omitted to be taken in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful.   



Att: The Hon Attorney-General Evette D’Ath. 


Dear Evette, 

My name is Aart Brons and am the Owner & Licensee of www.northernbelle.com.au 

My license fee is approximately 40 Thousand dollars per annum. 

I feel it being in my right to be involved. 

I therefore put to you to include my submission as in  writings below   

to any request to the   Law Reform Commission' for an amendment   

to the Queensland Prostitution Act  when   you refer 

Please also refer to: 



Yours Sincerely 

Kind regards 

Aart Brons. 

Brothel Owner & Licensee. 



From:   Aart Brons 
Sent: Tuesday, 30 October 2018 7:54 AM
To: 'Law Reform Commission' <
  LawReform.Commission@justice.qld.gov.au  >
Subject: RE: Brothel “ Northern Belle ” Cairns.

Requests to have the Queensland Prostitution Act amended   


Att: The Hon Director Mr David Groth. 


Dear David; 

I do  now   know the position of the Commission and thank you for that information. 

However as the article reads: 


It clearly shows that it is on the “ALP agenda” and that there is a 

discussion going on between The Hon Minister for Police Mark Ryan 

and the Attorney-General the Hon Evette D’Ath. 


I there for ask you kindly to keep my submission on file. 

Just to make sure that if or when The Queensland Prostitution Act 

comes to the commission’s attention it can be part of the discussion. 

Please also refer to: 

“1” https://cmc.aartbrons.com/Aart-Brons-Submission-to-cmc-17-12-2010.html 

“2” https://cmc.aartbrons.com/pdfs/CMC.pdf 

It is also clear that the decision to put a submission to the 

Commission is up to the Attorney-General. 

Therefore I will be forwarding this on to Evette. 


Thanking you for your quick response and time 

Kind regards 

Aart Brons 

Brothel Owner & Licensee 



From:   Law Reform Commission <  LawReform.Commission@justice.qld.gov.au 
Sent: Monday, 29 October 2018 2:45 PM
To: 'aart.brons@outlook.com' <
  aart.brons@outlook.com  >
Subject: RE: Brothel “ Northern Belle ” Cairns.

Requests to have the Queensland Prostitution Act amended   


Dear Mr Brons,   


Thank you for your email of 28 October 2018, regarding amendments   

to the Prostitution Act 1999.   

The role of the Queensland Law Reform Commission (the Commission) 

is limited to reviewing particular areas of Queensland law referred to it   

by the Attorney-General at any given time.   

The current reviews being undertaken by the Commission are detailed 

on its website at https://www.qlrc.qld.gov.au/current-reviews.   


From:   Aart Brons [  mailto:aart.brons@outlook.com 
Sent: Sunday, 28 October 2018 9:46 AM
To: Law Reform Commission <
  LawReform.Commission@justice.qld.gov.au  >
Subject: Brothel “ Northern Belle ” Cairns.

Requests to have the Queensland Prostitution Act amended   


Att: To the chair of the “ Queensland Law Reform Commission “ 

        And to all Commissioners who this may concern. 

Dear Sir/Madam, 

I refer you to the article “ABC Capricornia BY Inga Stunzner” 


I also refer you to the articles below. 

So that it may help you in the request being put forward by the 

Queensland Attorney-general to amend the Queensland Prostitution Act correct. 


I hope this finds you with an open mind as it is well intended. 

Kind regards 

Aart Brons. 

Brothel Owner and Licensee 



To whom this may concern at the committee of the P.L.A. 


Att: “1” To the Hon chair of the P,L,A. Mr Walter H Tutt. 

        “2” Chief Executive Director the Hon Margaret Izaac   


For your information and in accordance with the Prostitution regulations, 

and that is “to keep you informed”

Kind regards 

Aart Brons. 

Brothel Owner & Licensee 



From:   Aart Brons 
Sent: Friday, 19 October 2018 4:10 AM
Subject: Brothel “ Northern Belle ” Cairns. 

Requests to have the Queensland Prostitution Act amended   


Dear Mr Marshall, 

As having been the Chair of the P.L.A. Will you now bring this important issue to the 

forefront with the C.C.C Chair Mr Alan MacSporran QC

And together put it to the attention of The Minister for Police the Hon Mark Ryan. 

Please refer to: https://cmc.aartbrons.com/ 


To whom this may concern   

Brothel “ Northern Belle ” Cairns.   

Requests to have the Queensland Prostitution Act amended. 

There has been no response till date  11-10-2018.    

This is a very important issue.   

To read sent E-Mails as in “ Outstanding Co-Respondence”. 

Please “click” on to this absolute safe link to the designated “pdf” file 

 “1” amym fairfaxmedia 

 “2” The Hon Premier  Annastacia Palaszcuk. 

 “3” The Minister for Police the Hon Mark Ryan. 

 “4” The Hon chair of the P,L,A. Mr Walter H Tutt. 

    Please also refer to: 

“1” http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-09-29/brothel-downturn-caused-by-illegal-sex-work-and-hook-up-apps/10318994 

“2” https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/politics/queensland/massage-parlours-offering-illegal-prostitution-hurting-queensland-s-brothels-20181002-p507b0.html 

“3”    https://cmc.aartbrons.com/Aart-Brons-Submission-to-cmc-17-12-2010.html 


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Aart Brons Submission to cmc 17-12-2010
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Police Minister Neil Roberts
Desley Boyle Member for Cairns
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Brothel ows $30K
CAIRNS COUNCIL Perjury Alligations
Re Cairns Brothel Pass The Aart Brons Parcel Mark1 November 2018
Outstanding corespondence from C.E.O Aart Brons
Re Cairns Brothel Pass The Aart Brons Parcel Mark2 November 2018
You Can Run But You Can't Hide

Aart Brons Re-Brothel Perjury is on the agenda




Northern Belle
