Aart Brons.com

Queensland Australia

  Northern Belle Cairns First Legal Brothel

Ongoing Controversy Caused by Flooding.


Northern Belle Pty Ltd C.E.O. Aart Brons Verses


Cairns City Council

and now the

Cairns Regional Council


Erosion undermining my property


  At 11 Cava Close, Bungalow, Cairns, Qld, 4870

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Chinaman Creek is a local disaster waiting to happen

Refer to:

“1”  https://aarttheaardvark.com/att/Email_plus_Attch.pdf

“2”  https://www.aartbrons.com/att/cairns_City_Council_dirt_%20file_1.pdf

“3”  https://cmc.aartbrons.com/pdfs/new%20CEO%20of%20Cairns%20Regional%20Council%20Lyn%20Russel.pdf


“4”  https://www.executivecareer.net.au/archived-news/cairns-regional-council-ceo-terminated


From: Aart Brons <aart.brons@outlook.com>
Sent: Saturday, 15 December 2018 8:19 PM
To: mayorspa@cairns.qld.gov.au
Cc: cairns@parliament.qld.gov.au
Subject: Ongoing controversy caused by flooding.

Att:  “1” Mayor of Cairns Regional Council Mr Bob Manning.

          “2” (Sometimes) Acting Chief Executive Officer Bruce Gardiner.

          “3” Or to whom else this may concern at Cairns Council.


Dear Mr Manning,

This will also be forwarded to the newly elected

Member for Cairns The Hon Michael Healy.

“Just to keep him in the loop”.

As observed this morning during a site inspection at Northern Belle Pty Ltd

11 Cava Close Bungalow, Cairns.

Erosion undermining my property during last night’s downpour caused by Cyclone Owen 14-12 2018.

Needs urgent attention as this is not getting any better as from the last time it was put to Council.

Refer to:

“1”    https://aarttheaardvark.com/Val_schier_The_Mayor_of_Cairns_Regional_Council.html

‘2”     https://aarttheaardvark.com/att/Email_plus_Attch.pdf

“3”  https://cmc.aartbrons.com/pdfs/new CEO of Cairns Regional Council Lyn Russel.pdf

This is not some issue that can be left on the backburner and must be attended to immediately.

The cost to any Damage at Northern Belle Pty Ltd as in flooding will be forwarded on to the

Cairns Regional Council.

This seem to be an ongoing controversy.

Please refer to E-Mails below.

Your Sincerely.
Aart Brons.
Brothel Owner & Licensee.
Northern Belle Pty Ltd.

------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------

From: aart.brons@bigpond.com <aart.brons@bigpond.com>
Sent: Monday, 24 April 2017 9:26 PM
Subject: Fw: Surveying my Brothel "Northern Belle" at 11 Cava Cl, Bungalow.???

Att:  Mayor of Cairns Regional Council: Bob Manning.

Dear Mr Manning,

I Aart Brons C.E.O of Northern Belle Pty Ltd First Legal Brothel in Cairns

Declared a “SAFE HOUSE” as in a “safer alternative to any other form of Prostitution”.

Now demand Council remove the Illegal bund wall containing 3000 Ton plus,

of shovel ready Crushed Road Rubble, and put it to good use elsewhere.

This must now be done and certainly before the next wet season.

All Council land behind Northern Belle must come down and comply to RL 3.8 Meters

being the Q100 flood immunity level in accordance with development guidelines.


I am please that the Member for Cairns, The Hon Rob Pyne MP has stated that

he also rejected the Transport link from Moody creek to Earlville shopping centre.

Refer to E-Mails below.

I have also asked him to look into that illegal infrastructure come “Bund wall”

directly behind our brothel, Northern Belle.


A reply is now urgently required.

Please let me know if, and when this work will start.

Your Sincerely.
Aart Brons.
Brothel Owner & Licensee.
Northern Belle Pty Ltd.


Sent:  Thursday, April 20, 2017 12:45 AM

To: cairns@parliament.qld.gov.au

Subject:  Fw: Surveying my Brothel "Northern Belle" at 11 Cava Cl, Bungalow.???

Dear Rob,

This to keep you up to date and to let you know that we are now both

waiting for a reply from Jackie as in scrapping this ridiculous costly and

over the top Bus only Transport Link.

I am however in the meantime asking you to follow up on the “Bund Wall”

issue, come illegal infrastructure directly behind our brothel, and to take up with

Mayor Manning that this infrastructure is indeed a Disaster Waiting to happen

as in and accordance with the Ex Mayor Val Schier.

Your time is much appreciated

Your Sincerely.
Aart Brons.
Brothel Owner & Licensee.
Northern Belle Pty Ltd.

============================== =================================

Sent:  Wednesday, April 19, 2017 11:35 PM

Subject:  Fw: Surveying my Brothel "Northern Belle" at 11 Cava Cl, Bungalow.???

Att: The Hon Minister for Transport, Jacklyn Trad.

Dear Jackie,

Please refer to E-Mails below.

I am pleased on the stance the member for Cairns has taken, and hope that

common sense will prevail and that you will also reject and “SCRAP” this way

over the top and costly proposal and call it “dead in it tracks”.

This would give us at Northern Belle, at long last, peace of mind and be

assured that we have a long lasting business to look forward to.

Looking forward to your reply and thanking you for your time and attention.

Your Sincerely.
Aart Brons.
Brothel Owner & Licensee.
Northern Belle Pty Ltd.

============================== ================================

Sent:  Monday, April 17, 2017 9:47 PM

Subject:  RE: Surveying my Brothel "Northern Belle" at 11 Cava Cl, Bungalow.???


It will not happen as long as I am the Member for Cairns.

Tell me, who has been seeking to revive this unfunded proposal?




From: aart.brons@bigpond.com [mailto:aart.brons@bigpond.com]
Sent: Monday, 17 April 2017 7:56 PM
To: Cairns Electorate Office <
Subject: Fw: Surveying my Brothel "Northern Belle" at 11 Cava Cl, Bungalow.???

Att: The Hon Member for Cairns, Rob Pyne MP.

Dear Rob,

It is disappointing not to have had any response from you on such an

important issue, as I put to you in an E-Mail send on the 06 April 2017

I absolutely do need to know your stands on the

Cairns Transport link from

Moody Creek to Earlville shopping Centre .

As this link would wipe us of the face of the earth if it were to go ahead.

Due to you not responding in a timely manner I have put this

“STATE ISSUE” to the Minister for Transport, the Hon Jacklyn Trad.

For your information

Your Sincerely.
Aart Brons.
Brothel Owner & Licensee.
Northern Belle Pty Ltd.

============================== ==============================

From: aart.brons@bigpond.com

Sent:  Friday, April 14, 2017 1:03 AM

Subject:  Fw: Surveying my Brothel "Northern Belle" at 11 Cava Cl, Bungalow.???

Att: The Hon Minister for Transport, Jacklyn Trad.

Dear Mrs Trad,

These E-Mails are to show that I have also put my trust in the Hon Member for Cairns

Rob Pyne.

They are to be read in conjunction with the E-Mail I posted to you on the 12-04-2017.

He has not responded as such.

Your Sincerely.
Aart Brons.
Brothel Owner & Licensee.
Northern Belle Pty Ltd.

============================================================ =======

From:  aart.brons@bigpond.com

Sent:  Thursday, April 06, 2017 3:39 AM

Subject:  Fw: Surveying my Brothel "Northern Belle" at 11 Cava Cl, Bungalow.???

Att: The Hon Member for Cairns, Rob Pyne MP.

Dear Rob,

I will be forwarding to you my latest correspondence I put to Cairns Regional Council

and addressed to the Mayor Mr Bob Manning.

This concerns:

Cairns Transport link from Moody Creek to Earlville shopping Centre   .

This proposal can not ever happen “NEVER MEANS NEVER”.!!!

as put to the Queensland Main Roads Department and the

Queensland Transport Department in the past.

Refer to E-Mails forwarded.

We at Northern Belle The first Legal Brothel in Cairns established in 2006

are declared a “SAFE HOUSE”       as in:


We should never be able to be wiped of the MAP by a corrupt colluding Council.

It is important for you now to also show your opposition to this

“way over the top and costly” Bus only Transport link.

2 more E-Mails to confirm will follow after this one is send.

Please let me know your stands on this issue a,s,a,p

as this is urgent and pivotal to Northern Belle’s future.

Your Sincerely.
Aart Brons.
Brothel Owner & Licensee.
Northern Belle Pty Ltd.

============================== ===========================

From:  aart.brons@bigpond.com

Sent:  Tuesday, December 15, 2015 4:14 AM

Subject:  Fw: Aart "The Aardvark" Brons and the seat of cairns.

Att: The Hon Member for Cairns, Rob Pyne MP.

Dear Rob,

This to confirm our lengthy conversation on 11-12-2015.

and to pass on some past E-Mails to you so that it may support and

strengthen our case on corruption within Cairns Council.

It may also help “The Guardian” in writing their story.

Your Sincerely.
Aart Brons.
Brothel Owner & Licensee.
Northern Belle Pty Ltd.

============================== ============================

Sent:  Monday, January 30, 2012 5:17 PM

Subject:  Fw: Aart "The Aardvark" and the seat of cairns.


Att: Member for Ashgrove Ms Kate Jones.

Dear Kate,

This concerns the Queensland Prostitution Act introduced by the

Labour Beatie Government.

Cairns City and now the Cairns Regional Council   are still confused   as on how

to deal with the Planning strategy despite the expensive lesson learnt in holding

up “The Aardvark’s” Cava Close, Bungalow, Cairns building applications.

(read C.R.C’s Submission to the C.M.C Prostitution Act Review committee 2010)

The confusion is partly there because of the current holder to the seat of Cairns that

did not expose wrongdoing and show her duty of care to guide Cairns Council along

and warn them of   their perjuring acts   even though that was   strongly   put to her by me

on numerous occasions. (refer to   www.aartbrons.com   )

The other person I relied on heavily was Mr Gavin King, Ex-Cairn Post Newspaper Chief

Editor at Large and now the L.N.P candidate to the seat of Cairns in the upcoming elections.

(I have asked for his stance on this important issue in my E-Mails attached below)  

I am not surprised in him not responding to my E-Mails in a timely manner,

as he has always in his official writings heavily favoured the L.N.P “Ex-Unity Team”

(In power during my brothel building application days from 2000 to 2006.)

His alliance with a perjuring Cairns Council and condoning rape should have him dis-indorsed.

(Refer to his article   “Sex and the City”   in   www.aarttheaardvark.com   )

Along with condoning Rape Mr Campbell Newman 

can ill afford condoning “Perjury”

Outstanding correspondence to this fact and information on it can be read in

www.cmc.aartbrons.com   (and its Site map)

I am LEAKING this information to you to help give Anna Bligh the Ammunition

through my writings to keep a corrupt L.N.P and its leaders from gaining power.

Your seat depends on it   so I Aart Brons of Cairns C.E.O of Northern Belle Pty Ltd

do not DOUBLE CROSS and you can trust me to be there when you need me.

I not want to see a corrupt old boy’s club return to Cairns,

backed by a NO conscious Double Crossing son of a bitch like Gavin King.

Please use this information wisely as I am leaving myself somewhat vulnerable.

Let me know if you need more.

Hoping with this to also glean the Prostitution Act correct.

Kind regards'
Yours sincerely and faithful
Aart “The Aardvark” Brons
C.E.O Northern belle Pty Ltd
Brothel Owner & Co-licensee.

============================== =============================

From:  aart.brons@bigpond.com

Sent:  Friday, January 27, 2012 7:30 PM

Subject:  Fw: Aart "The Aardvark" and the seat of cairns.

Hallo Gavin

Now that you have had a chance  to update yourself

having done your home work on www.aartbrons.com  and www.cmc.aartbrons.com .

The file “Pass the Aardvark parcel” becomes utmost important.

Cairns City and now Cairns Regional council has been accused

by me Aart “The Aardvark” Brons  C.E.O of Northern Belle Pty Ltd of

Hijacking   the state prostitution act and   perjuring   there way through the courts   .

I need to know if you Gavin King, Ex-Chief Editor of the Cairns Post Newspaper,

and now candidate for the seat of Cairns will expose past wrongdoing, and

pledge to hold the current holder to the seat “Desley Boyle” accountable

for past neglect, as in HELPING and not EXPOSING Cairns Council in   Perjuring   themselves.

You have extensive knowledge of our case and cause as I have put my trust in you before

and given you that knowledge.

(refer to your own written articles in   www.aarttheaardvark.com   )

You need to reply to this utmost important pressing issue

in a timely and proper manner. If not then I will put this to your

“hopeful boss” Campbell Newman that can do without the controversy.

This is urgent and pivotal.

If you stay silent then this will go to your BOSS, the media, and to the A.L.P for there


Kind regards'
Yours sincerely and faithful
Aart “The Aardvark” Brons
C.E.O Northern belle Pty Ltd
Brothel Owner & Co-licensee.

============================== ==================

From:  aart.brons@bigpond.com

Sent:  Thursday, January 26, 2012 8:38 AM

Subject:  Aart "The Aardvark" and the seat of cairns.

Hallo Gavin,

Haven't heard from you for a while, your last article

about Cairns Regional Council selling our Pride and joy.


If you think that you are hanging flimsy with Campbell Newman on some social issues now.

You better let him know your knowing's now also of “The Aardvark”

and the follow up consequences to your article “Sex and the City” back in 2008.

Remember you are buying for the   Dishonest   seat of   Desley Boyle .


There for you better clear the air so to speak and let your stance be known to me,

because if you are successful you will inherit “ The Aardvark

Refer to


www.cmc.aartbrons.com or the how we got here page in


Kind regards

Your number one admirer (sorry clerical error)


Kind regards'
Yours sincerely and faithful
Aart “The Aardvark” Brons
C.E.O Northern belle Pty Ltd
Brothel Owner & Co-licensee.

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